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MMSI & radio license procedure in Poland


After the boat is registered under the Polish flag, its owner should apply for a Polish MMSI & boat radio license.

A license is issued by the Office of Electronic Communications after sending an application with attachments.

A license is given for 10 years, with the possibility of extension for next years.
An applicant may be a person - an owner of a boat (persons if more than one owner) or a company - a ship's operator.
Documents may be submitted to the Office on behalf of an applicant by an authorized representative such as our Agency.
The following attachments must be included to an application:

  • Copy of Watercraft Registration Certificate issued via the Polish system REJA24.

  • Copy of CE Declaration of Conformity for every radio equipment listed in an application form (VHF radio, AIS, EPIRB, SART).

  • Copy of a valid personal radio operator's certificate issued to an applicant or a statement on the use of radio equipment.

According to Polish law, a radio license must be issued within a maximum of 6 weeks from the date when a complete application with all attachments is received by the Office but typically it takes about 2-3 weeks.​

Don't believe the information on other websites that you can get a Polish radio license in 24 hours. It's just impossible.

We pay all stamp duties for issuing a radio license ourselves.

If a MMSI & boat radio license covers an EPIRB then, after receiving a license, that equipment must be registered with SAR Department of the Polish Civil Aviation Authority. Of course, we can also do that.

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